Best Wii Fps Games 2011

Posted : admin On 10.10.2019
Best Wii Fps Games 2011 4,6/5 724 votes

Believed to draw you even further into the character, the FPS genre has been around since a coon’s age now, but a glance at the best FPS games of 2011 reve. Mostly people purchase Legit games for playing the multiplayer but mostly dont know whose multiplayer is best as there are number of games released every month and we.

10 Best Wii Games Ever

Best Wii Fps Games 2011

Click to expand.Looks like someone spends too much time and money on Call of Duty. RS2 was awesome. It was pretty lengthy, had a great art style (cyber-western-meets-Japanese), and it controlled pretty damn well. Considering how flat the original Red Steel fell on its face for the concept of 'swords and guns', RS2 was definitely a huge improvement and really delivered what we thought. The Swordsman is also one of the coolest looking characters I've ever seen. Even then, I think they ruled out multiplayer because of all the issues it would have.

Side note: Red Steel 2 would be classified as a First Person Adventure as much as Metroid Prime 3 is. Goldeneye wasn't bad and despite it not using the Call of Duty engine (much to my surprise I found out that it actually runs the Dead Space Extraction engine), it still tries a lot to be like Call of Duty. I describe it as 'Call of Duty but fun'. The shooting is pretty similar but there's a lot of fun to be had, not the stupid frustration that CoD throws at you.

There's a lot of silly and fun modes to play with that still give it, at its core, a feel somewhat similar to the original. But even then, if I wanted something like the original Goldeneye, it's called Perfect Dark XBLA. It has the Goldeneye maps and weapons and runs basically the same engine. Just with slightly better graphics, online, and of course all the Perfect Dark stuff. Still, the 're-imagining' wasn't bad but comparing it to Red Steel 2 is rather silly. They're pretty different. For a core FPS game, I'd still go with Goldeneye though, mainly for the splitscreen multiplayer.

Second place would be Quantum of Solace which is highly underrated. Despite it having rather shitty graphics, it still rocks a solid FPS control scheme and the cover system is really fun. The Conduit was fun and I used to be a pretty avid online player but eventually it lost its appeal over Xbox 360 FPS games (although the only FPS games I play online on my 360 are Left 4 Dead and Borderlands). For FPA I'd just say Red Steel 2. MP3 was pretty boring honestly. The first three games I got for the system were SSBB (which I got before I even got the system), Twilight Princess (which I beat like 5 times), and MP3 (which was boring).

Red Steel 2 was just a really fun mix of swordfighting and guns. I just wish they bumped it up to a M rating. Impaling people with your sword seems kinda silly when there's no blood coming out, and I'm sure they could add some over-the-top gore like some of the Wii's popular M-rated games (such as MadWorld and No More Heroes). On rails would probably be Dead Space Extraction.

HotD: Overkill was awesome though. This poll is weird. It has FPS that AREN'T EVEN ON WII and it doesn't even have all the Wii FPS either.

If I could get into a lobby on Goldeneye, I'd play it the most but right now my fav is BO (though it has weird bullet shit and fucked up servers). Goldeneye is prolly the best in terms of polish cuz BO looked like Activision took a shit and said 'this is what Wii gets.' Though the headset and patches makes me happy. Black Ops is the best FPS overall on Wii cuz I've had stupid server problems (getting into games) with the others like GE and the Conduit. I hope that The Conduit 2 actually has good multi cuz the first was just glitchy and hopefully the add headset support. I'll keep my fingers crossed and say The Conduit 2 will be the best.that is when it doesn't get delayed any longer XD.

Click to expand.Looks like someone spends too much time and money on Call of Duty. RS2 was awesome. It was pretty lengthy, had a great art style (cyber-western-meets-Japanese), and it controlled pretty damn well. Considering how flat the original Red Steel fell on its face for the concept of 'swords and guns', RS2 was definitely a huge improvement and really delivered what we thought. The Swordsman is also one of the coolest looking characters I've ever seen. Even then, I think they ruled out multiplayer because of all the issues it would have.

Side note: Red Steel 2 would be classified as a First Person Adventure as much as Metroid Prime 3 is. Goldeneye wasn't bad and despite it not using the Call of Duty engine (much to my surprise I found out that it actually runs the Dead Space Extraction engine), it still tries a lot to be like Call of Duty.

I describe it as 'Call of Duty but fun'. The shooting is pretty similar but there's a lot of fun to be had, not the stupid frustration that CoD throws at you. There's a lot of silly and fun modes to play with that still give it, at its core, a feel somewhat similar to the original. But even then, if I wanted something like the original Goldeneye, it's called Perfect Dark XBLA.

It has the Goldeneye maps and weapons and runs basically the same engine. Just with slightly better graphics, online, and of course all the Perfect Dark stuff. Still, the 're-imagining' wasn't bad but comparing it to Red Steel 2 is rather silly. They're pretty different. For a core FPS game, I'd still go with Goldeneye though, mainly for the splitscreen multiplayer. Second place would be Quantum of Solace which is highly underrated. Despite it having rather shitty graphics, it still rocks a solid FPS control scheme and the cover system is really fun.

The Conduit was fun and I used to be a pretty avid online player but eventually it lost its appeal over Xbox 360 FPS games (although the only FPS games I play online on my 360 are Left 4 Dead and Borderlands). For FPA I'd just say Red Steel 2. MP3 was pretty boring honestly. The first three games I got for the system were SSBB (which I got before I even got the system), Twilight Princess (which I beat like 5 times), and MP3 (which was boring). Red Steel 2 was just a really fun mix of swordfighting and guns. I just wish they bumped it up to a M rating.

Impaling people with your sword seems kinda silly when there's no blood coming out, and I'm sure they could add some over-the-top gore like some of the Wii's popular M-rated games (such as MadWorld and No More Heroes). On rails would probably be Dead Space Extraction. HotD: Overkill was awesome though. Click to expand.The problem of RS2 is that it doesn't have multiplayer offline/online. The rest is great.

GoldenEye is the best for multiplayer online/offline and great single player mode. MP3 is the worst of them. I barely got past the ‘asteroid-going-to-doom-us’ before I shut off Prime 3.

I found that strange since I had like 100% completion for Prime 1 and 2. I plan to come back to it (which I’ll have plenty of time since it appears I’ll be skipping out on future consoles). The best on-rails is Overkill. Overkill is a game so arcade.

DSE isn't a game.

2318d ago I never said anything about making it an FPS:/. But now that you mention it, the words 'First Person Shooter' mention nothing about bullets dude. Portal is a game, played in the first person perspective. Therefore, it is a First Person game.

The main objective of the game is to solve puzzles with a gun, which has the ability to shoot portals. Shoot portals. Using the logic of definitions and genres, Portal and Portal 2 are First Person Shooting games. Albiet, ones without bullets. 2318d ago (Edited 2318d ago ) resistance 3 and killzone 3 were both huge letdowns for me, I thought kilzone 2 was a far, far better game, and resistance has been losing steam since the first.

Imo.and i own all these games btw, Brink was crap Section 8 p was junk Bulletstorm was kinda mehhh. Fear 3 was better than 2 but just barely.

Rage is ok.a solid 7.5 now. Deus Ex is amazing! Crysis 2 was sheer awesome! Portal was neat as I got for free on steam from some promo, but is is not really anywhere near Deus ex league. 2318d ago (Edited 2318d ago ) Er, no. Crysis 2 had horrible MP, buggy SP, and was sheer meh.

Prophet blowing his brains out to start the game sums it up. Superhuman while invisible is a joke. To be disappointed in R3 & KZ3 yet praise that steaming pile is lulz. Even Crysis 1 the PSN/XBLA download is better than Crysis 2.

Still buggy, but better. And Portal is a puzzle game, not an FPS.

Why's it on the list? Brink was one of the bigger let downs a la Duke Nukem. A 68 meta' shouldn't be on a best-of list.

Dead Space Extraction HD was better & actually supports a gun peripheral. @disagree pfft. Go tell all the people on & how awesome Crysis 2 is with the glitched Dedication & Tooled Up achievements. 2317d ago Maybe the storyline itself wasn't bad but the implementation was in my opinion. What I liked about Killzone 2 was the whole mood in the game, it painted a chaotic, intense, and painful side of war which really drew me into the game. Killzone 3 felt like they were trying to be the A-team or something. Sev and Rico became indesructable badasses.

By the way, I just realized that part of one one of my sentences somehow got cut out. What I meant to say was: Sev gets flinged down on to a metal platform from 60 feet in the air, and then slammed into a rock wall by a few thousand pounds of water, then gets up with no scratches on him. Not sure what happened there, I definitely typed that.

Oh well, you get my point. I felt like killzone 2 focused more on how chaotic and violent war was while Killzone 3 turned into an action movie. And in the ending they killed almost everyone on Helghan in a big explosion, and all Sev has to say is 'Jesus, I wonder how many people were down there?'